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Whilst each workshop has a unique and specialised focus, they are both composed of a four part process:

1. Mind Body Coherence  2. BreathWork    2. Mindfulness    3. Meditation

Most of us have tried meditation, very few have a regular practice.  Why?  There is now an abundance of scientific evidence that meditation has positive effects on our mental, emotional and physical state.  So why aren’t more people doing this practice?  That is a question I started researching several years ago.

For centuries thousands of people from around the world have been meditating and are to this day, submerged in the benefits of this ancient practice.  And yet so many of us are convinced that,

‘I’m just too busy,’

‘I tried that, and it doesn’t work for me,’

‘It’s for tree huggers, yogis and monks, not for ‘normal’ people.’ 

Surprisingly, amongst the individuals in the modern world who are now avid meditators are prominent CEO’s, Navy Seals, Celebrities, Public Speakers, the US Defence Department and the technical team at Google Headquarters.

Being a sceptic myself, I was curious, so I started attending classes.  I joined an array of programs that led me into the world of Yoga, Mindfulness and Mantra Meditation.  In all honesty I wouldn’t have got past the first week of classes if it hadn’t been for my desperation to find a way out from my severe anxiety. So, I totally understand why most people just don’t get to experience the benefits before bailing out.

The one obvious challenge was the expectation to take the mind and body from a state of stress and anxiety into a state of deep meditation.  For me, that was impossible.  My mind had always been like a runaway train and being asked to sit down, close my eyes and chant a mantra was just making the voice in my head even louder.  With persistence however, over several months and countless classes, the voice in the head (that incidentally in all of us, thinks approximately 70,000 thoughts a day), eventually subsided and I experienced what I can only describe as absolute bliss.

Now, whilst I had the luxury of time and the ability to attend overseas workshops and retreats, I appreciate that most people don’t have that available to them.  So how does the average busy person experience and gain the benefits of meditation? 

Now, if we were all living in the wilderness void of home loans, traffic jams, bills, deadlines and indigestion then I’m sure that sitting down to meditate would be a natural transition.  However, the reality is there is so much going on in our minds and in our external world that most of need something to take us gradually from manic thinking into a state of serenity.  Without a process, the gap is too wide! 

Over the last three years I have been developing and teaching meditation that takes the mind and body from a place of stress, through a highly specific, very simple three step process and into a state of deep meditation. In the workshops I teach, everyone experiences mind body coherence, and everyone leaves armed with the tools and techniques to continue their practice in the comfort of their own home and workspace.

The three-step process I teach incorporates powerful breathing techniques, a series of mindfulness practices which demand both focus and present moment awareness and using specific mantras we fall into meditation which transcends our subconscious programming.  

A main advantage of this process is most of what I teach can be practiced sat in a waiting room, whilst in a meeting, sat in a traffic jam, during your break time or in the middle of a busy airport.

If at this stage you’re wondering if it can work for you then the answer is without a doubt, yes.  The terms being that you bring your commitment to the workshop, that you are serious about changing an aspect of your life and you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and do the work.  

So, if you’re feeling stuck in your job, relationship, finances, health, emotions you've lost your passion, you're love for life, you want to change direction, you're experiencing stress, anxiety, you're constantly reminded of bad decisions, regret consumes you, you have trouble sleeping or you want to try something new but your limiting beliefs are holding you back, then this process will give you tools and techniques to give you positive results. 

The practices in these workshops are influenced by the ground breaking  work and research by:

Dr Deepak Chopra ‘Founder of Primordial Sound Meditation,’ Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist and Educator, the inspirational Life Coach Tony Robbins, Biologist Bruce Lipton and the profound teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

  • Breathe Into Life (6-8 hour workshop)
    Breathe Into Life (6-8 hour workshop)
    Location is TBD
    Location is TBD
    If you want to significantly reduce stress and reconnect with your emotional intelligence and your creativity then this workshop is for you. It’s time to expand your consciousness and open a portal to the wisdom that resides within you.
  • The Meditation Workshop  (4-6 hours)
    The Meditation Workshop  (4-6 hours)
    Taken over 2-3 weeks
    Location is TBD
    Taken over 2-3 weeks
    Location is TBD
    Come along on this journey from Mind Body Coherence, into the Power Of The Breath, naturally enter a state of Mindfulness where we will transcend into Meditation. By the end of this workshop you will have the tools and techniques to start your own meditation practice in the comfort of home.
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